

CANADA: Little City

"...if the visuals weren’t enough to send shivers down your spine and a feeling like your skin was crawling, the live soundtrack was. the audience was either enchanted or frozen in fear — it was hard to tell, and harder still to tear yourself away from the moment. that ominous feeling like someone was watching you followed you the rest of the evening."


"...Todor Todoroff and Laura Colmenares Guerra of Belgium performed the gorgeously cinematic and moving Evanescens, which married Todoroff’s densely atmospheric cello compositions with matching footage in the background to create a highly cohesive and affecting work."


MEXICO: El Fanzine

El primer acto fue algo impresionante,  Todor Todoroff & Laura Colmenares Guerra dieron un espectáculo de arte que acarició los oídos y ojos de todos los que tuvimos la oportunidad de presenciar su show. Fue tétrico y hermoso, con video arte y excelentes arreglos musicales por parte de Todoroff y Colmenares, la chelista Sigrid Vandenbogaerde enamoró y desquició al público con su increíble actuación. Un búho volaba mientras nuestro subconsciente caminaba por la nieve, en la raya entre la cordura y la locura transitó la mente de los espectadores, quienes se perdían entre la fantasía y la realidad.


COLOMBIA: Casa Agape

..."Laura Colmenares junto con el artista belga Todor Todoroff, presentaron en su obra EVANESCENS un ‘performance’ audio visual interactivo en donde un chelista (Sigrid Vandenbogaerde) conectado en manos, brazos y torso a sensores, controlaba sintetizadores y gestos en el video mientras tocaba su instrumento en tiempo real. Aunque suena complejo, el resultado, gracias a la riqueza de sonidos y el buen gusto en las imágenes hizo de esta obra una de las mas aplaudidas en el festival..."


RUSSIA: Виджеинг, видео инсталляции, видео мэппинг (VJing, installation vidéo, vidéo mapping)

"…похожий на хореографический проект “Muybridge” от eVanescens (в котором электроаккустическая музыка и виолончель сочетается с воздушной кинематографией)."



NIME Pioneering Electronic Music, Click - BBC World Service Tuesday 8 July 2014
NIME, New Interfaces for Musical Expression, is an extraordinary conference and festival examining the potential of electronics in music, recently on display at Goldsmiths, University of London.
In a special edition of Click, Gareth Mitchell and LJ Rich report on the novel ways of making music that have been demonstrated at NIME in partnership with the Beam Festival.

CANADA: Sampling Culture
MUTEK / EM15: Photos & Review

"Inside the Imperial Theatre in Montreal attendees could witness A/Visions, Mutek’s first class series of sit-down audio-visual performances.
Thursday night started off with Todor Todoroff & Laura Colmenares Guerra’s performance in which Sigrid Vandenbogaerde played the cello and sang in a moving voice, and behind her and the other two artists on-stage was a large screen which featured outdoor scenes and a video mix of female nudes dancing frenetically to the music. It was a beautiful and haunting piece that really took the audience into a different space."


CANADA: camuz

..."La très bonne violoncelliste Sigrid Vandenbogaerde appuie avec force sur les cordes de l’instrument, le frappe, produit des grincements, des jeux percussifs et multiplie les mélodies mélancoliques. Par moment, elle pousse des plaintes désincarnées, fantomatiques, et tout ça est traité par ordinateur, réinjecté avec des délais, noyé dans de la réverbération et manipulé par des capteurs de geste reliés aux bras, aux mains et au torse de la violoncelliste. La vidéo en noir et blanc vient appuyer l’atmosphère hantée et lugubre de la composition, dédiée à l’expérimentation sonore et à l’expression du corps. Une belle œuvre ? Oui…"

CANADA: News Beat Port

"...Thursday night started off with Todor Todoroff & Laura Colmenares Guerra’s performance in which Sigrid Vandenbogaerde played the cello and sang in a moving voice, and behind her and the other two artists on-stage was a large screen which featured outdoor scenes and a video mix of female nudes dancing frenetically to the music. It was a beautiful and haunting piece that really took the audience into a different space."


UNITED KINGDOM: CreativeApplications.Net [CAN]

"Some other highlights: …, the Muybridge-esque video choreographies of eVanescens (which combined electroacoustics and Sigrid Vandenbogaerde’s visceral cello playing with ethereal cinematography), …"